Bublé and Speedplay Frog Chrome-Moly Pedals

What a way to end a long week at work — Coach Charly Loeara got us tickets to Bublé!  Good tickets!  And Bublé did not disappoint!  He can belt out a ballad, and dang is he funny!  

But, we’re not here to talk romantic ballads.  Let’s get down to sports!  This weekend sucked for all things sporty!  It was rainy on the mountain so skiing was out, and it was rainy everywhere else too, so biking was out too!  While it was too rainy to play outside, it was just right to shop for clipless pedals and new riding shoes.  And that’s just what Coach Charly and I did!  

It’s pretty nice to have your own resident Dr. of Physical Therapy on hand to help with bike fittings because by the end of the weekend my new Speedplay Frog clipless pedals were installed (thanks Leanne for the recommendation), my cleats were on my new bike shoes, and I was ready to roll … except for one thing, I came across beautiful, hot pink riding shoes, and I just had to have them.  I bet I know what Coach Charly is doing next weekend!